old hill

old hill

old hill
you held witness
in the black
to my darkest hour
but not quite
not the guts
nor the courage
or was it my highest
filled with
plenty of guts
and shit loads of courage
to brake before you
I don’t know
I don’t
but old hill
you do
maybe you know
the bad of loneliness
and the good
I pass by
in daylight
and wonder about
the ifs
I cry
not loud and hard
but quiet
with little shakes
from the memory
other times
I grin to the world
I still fuck in
breathe in
pant in
eat in
drink too much in
get high in
walk in
yell in
wonder in
get pissed at in
scream in
laugh in
sizzle butter in
feel hail sting my bare back in
the way it
has penciled out
is okay at worst
pretty good at best
but coming from the
primordial ooze
we crawled out of
pretty good is
damn fucking good
because no friend
of mine
has ever crawled back in
old hill
you remind me
of life
and I’m grateful
you will be there
when I’m gone
and maybe lay witness
to another
at that moment
when an anchor
in this blackness
is needed
more than anyone
can know
as they drink
buzzing by
an unremarkable
old hill
filled with power
to give so much
and take so much

I place 26 letters from the English alphabet melded occasionally with Arabic numbers in sequences I enjoy while utilizing blank spaces and 14 punctuation marks between said letters or numbers to create expression. For example: Ingrid enjoys cotton candy, mathematics, feather-light kisses, removing wood splinters from soft feet, and whiskey with an e. One day she will die and be gone forever. The dream she loves is often smooth as black glass. Too many people are scared to live. Not Ingrid. Some days she wields a heavy maul, shattering the black glass touching her dream. Most of the atoms comprising Ingrid exploded from unstable high mass stars, billions of years ago. That makes her smile. Ingrid is the strongest, most beautiful, most alluring person in the universe - at least that's what David, thinks.
