

fist pounding rain
on the metal roof
on a cold May morning
before even the birds
begin their songs
reminds me
of the magic of fire
and its insane power
when I’m laying
in a soft bed
my head resting
on dreamy pillows
a cloud-like comforter
pulled up
to my bare shoulders
understanding if I
were outside
in the cold rain
with my naked shoulders
I would be sleeping
the fist pounding rain
thumping victory
on my cold back
my eyes half open
in a cavity
of mud
next to the stump
of the Doug-fir
cut and sawed
four years earlier
and split into firewood
to keep souls warm

I place 26 letters from the English alphabet melded occasionally with Arabic numbers in sequences I enjoy while utilizing blank spaces and 14 punctuation marks between said letters or numbers to create expression. For example: Ingrid enjoys cotton candy, mathematics, feather-light kisses, removing wood splinters from soft feet, and whiskey with an e. One day she will die and be gone forever. The dream she loves is often smooth as black glass. Too many people are scared to live. Not Ingrid. Some days she wields a heavy maul, shattering the black glass touching her dream. Most of the atoms comprising Ingrid exploded from unstable high mass stars, billions of years ago. That makes her smile. Ingrid is the strongest, most beautiful, most alluring person in the universe - at least that's what David, thinks.
